How to Conserve Energy in Your New Apartment

After going through the process of moving to Chicago and being careful to do it in the most eco-friendly way possible, you'll want to conserve energy in your new apartment. You went the extra mile to hire a green moving company and rent reusable boxes from The Chicago GreenBox, so why not step up your game in your new place?

There are many ways to conserve energy in a new apartment in Chicago. Let's look at a few of the top ways to keep your energy bills low and live a more eco-friendly life in a Chicago apartment.

How to Conserve Energy

Insulate your Windows

According to an article found on, you can insulate your windows with draft stoppers to help save you money. These can even fit with your overall decor as there's quite a selection of fashionable draft stoppers on Etsy and other online marketplaces.

Windows offer a good source of natural heat in the winter, but they are not always well insulated. Along with using draft stoppers, you can make a plastic cover to insulate your winders even further. 

Replace your Light Bulbs

One of the best ways to conserve energy in an apartment is by changing out your old lightbulb and using ENERY STAR qualified CFL bulbs or even LED bulbs. According to, ENERGY STAR qualified compact fluorescent light bulbs or CFLs use about 75% less energy and last up to 10 times as long as a standard incandescent light bulb.

Buy Reusable Items

It's easy to become a regular consumer using plastic bags, plastic water bottles, and other disposable items. There's a more eco-friendly solution for just about every disposable item. Let's look at a few:

  • Plastic Grocery Bags - Replace with Reusable Grocery Bags

  • Plastic Water Bottles - Replace with Glass or Stainless Steel Bottles and a Water Filtration System, such as the Berkey or a Britta Pitcher

  • Disposable Napkins - Replace with Cloth Napkins

  • Plastic Food Storage Bags - Replace with Reusable Food Storage Bags, Wax Covers, and use other tips for keeping foods healthy without plastic

If you're using anything disposable, spend a little time researching an alternative option.

Adjust your Thermostat

If you have the ability to upgrade to a smart thermostat, it will help you conserve energy in your new apartment. However, even without a smart thermostat, you can adjusts your thermostat when you're not home and save energy. A 10-degree adjustment for eight hours per day will save you as much as 15% on heating every year.

Clean your Fridge Compressor Coils

The refrigeration will use about 25% of the energy in an apartment. If you make sure the compressor coils are clean, it can help to keep you from using more energy than necessary. Your energy bill will remain lower because your fridge will be able to run better. 

In addition, make sure you cover your food, check the seal on the fridge, and keep it full with water jugs and other items. According to an article from, full fridge runs better and will stay colder while using less energy.

There are several other great tips you can use for conserving energy in your new Chicago apartment. If you haven't made the move yet, make sure to hire a green moving company and rent reusable boxes from The Chicago GreenBox. Not only will you be helping the environment, but you will also provide better protection for your belongings with stronger, easier to carry boxes.