
Cost-Effective Ways to Pack for Your Move

Packing is a huge part of moving, whether you're moving across the city or out of the state. Finding ways to pack your things without breaking the bank matters. There are several cost-effective ways to pack for your move and here are some of the best choices.

Rent Plastic Moving Boxes

Chicago GreenBox offers eco-friendly plastic moving boxes you can rent. Instead of spending money on cardboard moving boxes, renting boxes may be a more cost-effective solution. In addition to the cost-effective benefits, when you rent plastic moving boxes you'll be choosing to move in a more eco-friendly way.

Use What You Already Have

You probably own suitcases, some boxes, bags, and other things you can use for packing. Even reusable grocery bags may help with some of the packing.

Instead of spending money on boxes, use what you have first, and then rent the moving boxes you need for the rest of your things. Pack with what you already own first and you won't need to buy as many supplies. In addition, towels and other soft items can be used to protect items and keep you from needing as much bubble wrap or other packing items.

Minimalize First

Before you start packing for your move, take the time to minimalize. If you have old things you don't use or need, sell them, donate them, or trash them. Go through your things and decide what you really need to take with you and what can be sold, donated, or thrown away.

By minimalizing first, you won't need nearly as many moving supplies. You can save money by using this cost-effective strategy to minimize the items needing to be moved.

Use Cheap Balloons Instead of Air-Pillows

Air-pillow packing can be very expensive. You don't have to spend money on this type of packing material when the dollar store will sell you balloons for super cheap.

In addition, with balloons, you can control how large you make them fill the space needed to be filled perfectly.

Shredded Paper Replaces Packing Peanuts

If you have a shredder or you can rip up paper you already have, you can use it in the place of packing peanuts. You don't need to spend money on packing peanuts to pack fragile items you don't want to break. Shredded paper of any type can work well as a packing filler and save you some money.

Fill All Your Containers First

We already talked about using what you have, but many people forget to fill their hamper, baskets, and other items they already own. Even dresser drawers can be filled and packed separately to make furniture easier to carry. You can even cover drawers in plastic wrap to help protect the items inside.

Move in the Offseason

While it's not necessarily a tip for cost-effective packing for a move, when you move in the offseason, the cost of moving will be lower. Moving companies need the businesses and they will be more likely to provide discounts on the packing supplies you do need during the off-season.

The most cost-effective move will include renting plastic moving boxes, using your own things first, and minimalizing as best you can. Chicago GreenBox offers excellent reusable moving boxes, which make a great choice for a cost-effective move.

eco-friendly green moving boxes